Lewis and Clark Adventure, Lieutenant William Clark (No. 723K)

Pattern information

USD $5.00 for a single pattern

This pattern is available in these sets:

Lewis and Clark Blocks 12 patterns USD $22.00


Lieutenant William Clark, a friend of Lewis was asked by him to be co-commander of the "Corps of Discovery". He was delighted and responded that there was no one on Earth with whom he would rather undertake such an adventure. He studied map making and navigation, among other things, to prepare for the trip. A stylized navigational compass, and mileage key, encircle the explorer.

A-1 Quilting Machines
ABM Innova (pat, dxf)
APQS Quilt Path (hqf, qli, txt)
Autocad (dxf)
Babylock (qli)
CompuQuilter (cqp)
HandiQuilter (hqf, qli)
IntelliQuilter (iqp, dxf)
PC Quilter (txt)
QBOT (plt)
Quilt Magician (qli)
SideSaddle (ssd, cqp, qli)
Statler Stitcher (qli)

Patterns are available for immediate download after payment is completed.

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